Love is Blind Season 1 Episode 6 | AfterBuzz TV - 
Love is Blind Season 1 Episode 6 | AfterBuzz TV |
I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in
to afterbuzz TV the ESPN of TV talk now
oh my not for these love is blind couple
come on come on man this week we finally
got into the real royalty on love is
blind if you're tuned in right now we
are here at afterbuzz TV breaking down
love is blind Episode six yeah rock and
roll yeah good it really is I mean after
the Carlton and diamond fight I think
the show totally kicked it up a notch
and I'm so excited to break it all down
with you first and foremost let's
introduce you to the panel all the way
at the far end here we have Mike feeling
what's up guys like this is this is the
reason this episode is the reason we
watch these shows and mr. wrestling over
here next to me is finally figuring it
out I guess so I love was so pure and
uncut and amazing but this is makes me
so angry this is real life yes so not
blind fully seen 20/20 vision it's okay
I might be the pessimist over here yeah
if you're listening to my voice this is
Christine Alexis and I'm here to break
down I love his glide with y'all all
right guys I didn't need to dive right
in because there's a lot of good teeth
starting with where we meet the couples
at this farewell brunch they're getting
ready to leave their little resort
getaway peace out Mexico and say well we
is their second transition now out of
the pods and now out of Mexico and
really for the point of the show where
we've been dying to see like out of
their experiment pods into the wilds of
Mexico and now they are back to the
jungle of Atlanta thanks Jay yeah
great breaker job I mean they're
sprinkled in here and they're for color
you know but they did you know come to
talk to the couples and get their
mindset right going into this next
chapter start thinking about if your
relationship is gonna survive the real
world whether it be race religion social
media friends playing a different factor
and how their bonds will survive of
getting their mind by excuse me if by
getting their mindset right you mean
shoveling on the self-doubt into Jessica
yeah yeah you hit the nail on the head
because for the most part everyone
seemed pretty excited about this except
for Jessica she's the onset was very
open about how scared she was to go back
and be Mark's ten like ten years his
senior whose girlfriend somebody's to
let mark you know the secret that we all
know about Jessica yeah well the good
thing is you know they kind of make it
clear at this point to that the couple
still have a chance to walk away from
this experiment at any given time thank
god it's so interesting because it
almost seems so like finite and final
when we first met these couples and now
it seems like they're there is a lot of
wiggle room and gray area for them to
decide if it isn't the right thing for
that sure imagine that I mean what's the
divorce rate in our you know country
right now are in the world right now
imagine the people who fell in love
after hearing each other's voice for
three days well um you know there's
really two couples that dominated this
episode so we really want to spend more
time talking about them but real quick I
want to get into Lauren and Cameron
first we got to check in with our old
faithful couple here who's been going
strong this far
nice house Cameron yeah cool house
Cameron really flexes this episode you
know just getting into this topic before
the couples move into the new apartment
that they're gonna be sharing together
in the same complex with the other
couples they have an opportunity to go
home and pick up some stuff from their
house their respective houses to
decorate their new place together what
did you guys think about this they were
way too surprised that they were all
moving into the same complex together I
was like
you guys never watched these shows this
is literally what happens yeah door is
going to be the same complex so they
don't have to drive that far to film you
guys they just wander around and then
you can all still get together and have
awkward Jessica Barnett interactions
yeah I mean they seem pretty surprised
like I did going back to the homes and
whatnot but I don't know man Cameron
just seems more and more like a romantic
comedy leading man you know sensitive I
stayed with that little I'm just not a
bad way it's kind of like he's been that
guy like what candy wrong like yeah look
the three couple because we have five
total couples now right the three
couples that are going completely great
I mean I guess Barnet look Damian
Cameron and um Kenny they're all a
little bit awkward I think they all
pretty nice guys they seem pretty nice
and in it for the right reasons right
bachelors tonight of course for the
right reasons that kind of stuff but
they're all just a little bit awkward
and I got to give it up to them and give
them the benefit of the doubt the
cameras around them that's weird 24/7
right all this kind of stuff for the
most part though they're just really
solid romantic lead
I could see it he's really into it
getting emotional they're a great couple
yeah this might be me playing into
stereotypes a little too much but
Cameron is by trade a scientist so I
would expect a guy like that to be a lot
more sheepish and maybe not as you know
social as he has been lately and very
expressive with emotion so I kind of
like that about him I like where he's at
yeah it makes sense though he's pretty
analytical you know he said okay moving
to my house empty room she needs office
give her office I don't know yeah
there's some of the analytical stuff
going on but he's got mushy stuff he's
good yeah I mean for the most part
they're pretty solid there was like a
little bit of like tension for a hot
second when Lauren mentioned potentially
keeping her own apartment while they
work out their future together
but nothing weird is gonna happen with
them until we get into the episode that
we saw in the preview with her parents
and and the interracial relationship
kind of question or whatever starts to
come up I don't know somebody who's kind
of like
it is kind of jarring or kind of
off-kilter when someone says hey I want
to share a space even though you've been
single for so long kind of user having
your own little corner of course ya know
it's an adjustment it's a big adjustment
definitely I can I'd it to her on that
note because I know as myself having
lived with roommates I mean maybe a
little different she's living by her by
herself but moving in with the
significant other that is like a whole
other separate they're very different
it's very very different the only thing
I had to note about Lauren Cameron is in
an off-camera interview or just out of
that moment rather Cameron gets really
emotional talking about his past
relationship saying that it was plagued
by problems that they could never get
past but he feels like everything is
different with Lauren so to your point
maybe we'll get some drama when we meet
the family but I'm hoping maybe we learn
more about that because that brought out
such an emotional reaction for him that
came out of nowhere
yeah I mean Paul in love was always
scary and yeah his backstory was kind of
in let it go she wasn't sure what made
him tick so this is backstory if that's
like this it's told to pull from I'm all
on board because you can know more about
why they didn't work out and why so
cautious where today they haven't had
their first fight yet either yeah that's
really big in a relationship especially
one that's gonna last you're not gonna
agree on everything you're gonna fight
about something at some point my wife
and I fight about the same stupid stuff
over and over again and smiles you know
dumb stuff so until you let go on but
until you have like that first actual
fight it is still like rosy and stuff at
some point the whole kind of honeymoon
phase you you become real people I don't
like it when you leave your dishes there
so something so they haven't had that
yet so once they have that then we'll
see a different flavor their
relationship I'm excited to see it
because you know relationships are
multifaceted it's like you said it's not
always gonna be cute all the time and I
it's you almost run that risk of like
maybe we it's like you want to extend
the honeymoon phase cuz it feels nice
but you almost want to get the first
fight off the way because it's almost
like the longer you wait a might end up
being something much bigger that you
didn't see maybe the first
at least that's my new today maybe we're
gonna skip over Kelly and Kenny because
Kelly couldn't make it to the next
smartest girl on the show
Kelly had a business dress skip off to
work yeah she had a business trip in San
Diego so she couldn't make it to move in
with Kenny right away so we really
didn't see much of them a simple awkward
FaceTime a little bit but it seems like
they're keeping the communication alive
something that other couples are having
a lot of trouble with this episode they
seem pretty solid too they need their
first fight as well we haven't seen as
much of them but they seem sweet all
their interactions well whenever they do
get to fighting we'll be here to break
it down um speaking of things that we
break down on this network Mike hit yes
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down below we've been reading all your
comments on the past videos for love as
mind we'd love it we you guys are our
extended panel thank you so much for
making afterbuzz the ESPN of TV talk oh
yeah I love that yeah yes dad I'm moving
on to Giannina and Damian mm-hmm
yeah they're well you know actually
we're gonna come back to them because
more their drama happens a little bit
later on is what happens when the sessi
time breaks down and stuff gets real I
really want to get into amber and Barnet
at least the first part of their drama
this episode because when they do go to
each other's houses to kind of actually
know we only go to Barnett's house and
we're where amber meets his dog Kota
they look through his messy bedroom but
eventually they get to the nitty-gritty
conversation here about financial
planning yeah shoutouts all the dogs
because they're the best characters in
all of these episodes there's the most
well-adjusted people Dakota is super
cute I personally love big dogs so I'm
here the fou-fou ones are cute too but
like the big ones you can like run
and I like the lapdogs like I put
bamm-bamm on my lap and we hug then he
goes to sleep and I'd be working so I
don't know it's just where do you stand
on this dog sir
no yeah did you play with the dog yes
I'm afraid of him I know you know but no
okay we can do some immersion therapy
here like that a nice dog yeah I've been
I've been tasked with petty when people
do this if you're watching our show
right now and drop like a support group
link in a comment for phobos so we can
get him to experience no because no
spider has unconditional love for you
like a dog it was like oh man my room is
messy but then I was like oh yeah by the
way I have all this debt it almost alone
things I thought that's kind of uneven
there right well we're talking about
barnett when they get in the kitchen
they start talking yeah amber says
something she starts revealing some
things about her financial status right
now she very clearly says that her
credit is average but not bad she says
that she only has one credit card right
now that she mainly uses his uses to
purchase makeup and that she has $20,000
worth of student loan debt right she
goes on to explain that she used to be
homeless at a point she couch surfs and
she makes it very clear that she works
to live and not lives to work can we
talk about the kind of just feeling that
came that washed over Barnett when she
started talking about this because he's
to me I read him as very uncomfortable
about receiving this information yeah
absolutely I think I'm not saying that's
looking for someone to be his balance
but I think he is supposed to be the one
that's gonna find someone to be good or
homey in that level having someone
that's like almost a free spirit can put
someone off a kilt everything absolutely
I mean in a relationship finances are
gonna come up that's money is a classic
thing the couples fight about it's this
necessary evil and life right that we
all got to deal with so it's absolutely
not a deal breaker
especially if at least one person in the
relationship is intelligent about money
if one person is intelligent about money
you can help fix the other person's
issues because the
that she has are easily fixable it's not
they're not a big deal you just have to
have a little bit of sense in what
you're doing and how to handle and
manage money so I have a lot of tips if
anybody would like it the first one is
that everything this is let's give a big
tip okay this is a Big Mike's tip on
survival we do Mike's tips this is a big
tip in this day and age in 2020
everything that you guys buy should be
on a credit card okay everything should
be on a credit card and you should pay
that credit card off a hundred percent
every month because you should be
earning points or whatever rewards for
the money that you're spending buying
something cash does you no good right
you should be getting miles you me
airplane miles some kind of points
remaining but you should be paying that
credit card off 100% every month so if
you need a little bit more of a budget
she's still be going on the credit card
she should have more than one credit
card that she does makeup with because
that will also help boost your credit
score back up Wow
yeah definitely love our free game over
here thanks Mike but I want to say
finance yeah I I kind of disagree with
you in the sense that like yeah these
are easily fixable but I personally
wouldn't enter into relationship with
somebody knowing that they had that
mindset cuz you can maybe teach somebody
how to manage their money a little bit
better but you're going into this with
someone whose mindset is already like
not thinking about surplus she's very
clearly says that she only works enough
to just get by he wants to live her life
to the fullest yeah I don't knock her
for that right I don't think that's like
I wouldn't go into a situation like that
with someone who doesn't share the same
values that I have about money that see
that is to me that's more of a mindset
about life and not even so much about
money that's more of a mindset of I'm
not ready to settle down I'm not looking
for you know a family and the future
maybe they don't want kids whatever
that's a future planning if you did have
that mindset which is what this is
really what I'll try to say before if
you do have that future mindset and
whatever you ready fix the straight
dollars and cents problem or dead or
credit that's fixable but yeah if your
mindset is I'm just burning the candle
at both ends and I'm gonna you know run
it till the wheels fall off and I don't
care about money and you know I'm gonna
not gonna be here past 40 anyway so what
I need my that yeah then you're not on
the same page
I guess what what still bothers me is
that she
said that she plans on living at his
house and being a stay-at-home mom so
like to me it's like you're that is that
could very well be what Barnet wants to
really elaborate a lot on that maybe
that's something they talked about in
the pods that we haven't really talked
about yet on camera but i just-i can't--
i see him wanting he said he wanted a
partner you know they both wanted like
someone who ya there's different roles
on what you do day-to-day but it just
doesn't seem to me like she's willing to
support and I plan to come to agreement
something like that someone already has
a plan of being a stay-at-home parent
and you're like no I thought would be a
dual income and so even if it's a plan
should be planned ahead of time it's
it's absolutely at the very least a
conversation I think a big one in this
day and age we tend to vilify to an
extent stay-at-home parents there's
nothing wrong with that being your kind
of aspiration and what you want
everybody doesn't have to be like well I
don't care about the kid like I'm career
foot like that's it and whatever in LA
if that's your aspiration to be the bomb
mom or dad who stays at home and with
the kid that's awesome you just need to
be with the other person your partner
who's on the same page like absolutely I
value my partner staying home with the
kids all the time so we don't have to
use babies and I'm willing to shoulder
the financial burden so that we can do
that in the kids everybody's just got to
be on the same page and it's whatever
works for that specific family right
agreed no I agree and if that's what
they want cuz also you know she did say
that she was homeless for a while she
was couchsurfing being a stay-at-home
mom would definitely be a sense of
stability like that is your sharking
day-in day-out job living there with the
kids but the whole thing is like yeah I
don't want any responsibilities I never
want to work so I just found you to pay
for me dad probably not the same level
yeah I just think that's different we
need more conversations between these
two about a very very sensitive issue
here luckily they get into some great
conversations yeah but before we get to
the party we do check in with mark and
Jessica or the couple that we love to
hate at this point the whole show could
be them you pretty much you guys just
shattered my innocence I really nice
it's really fun to see something like
experiences for the first time that and
not realizing that this something was
gonna go drastically south at least
addressing I know is gonna be awesome
act of violence well one thing we've
grown to count on with Jessica at the
very least is that she's always gonna
have a bottle of wine before discussing
something really really important it's
that's actually one of the biggest notes
that I wrote down about mark and Jessica
and I don't want to seem like I'm
shaming her but I guess it's gonna just
come off that way shame I just don't
think it's a smart idea when you're
already on the fence about how you feel
about somebody to just get super drunk
before discussing sensitive topics
because I'm sure maybe you think you
need some liquid courage but again a lot
of things will get lost in translation
with that and I just I personally hate
that kind of approach absolutely alcohol
becomes a coping mechanism and last
thing you want to see is someone go hey
this has an intimate time but first let
me have a couple shots you feel like oh
wait I'm not good enough what's the rule
you you know people say that alcohol is
social lubricant when you go out to bars
and clubs or whatever it's like she's
using a relationship lubricant not in a
fun way and that's not a good that's not
it's not at all like let me give a quick
overview of what happened cuz it's more
fun for us to talk about it so obviously
it's Barnett's birthday the to it sorry
so market Jessica had their little
conversation they went over to Marc's
house they met his roommates and Jessica
was beyond shocked that no one cared
that she was older than it like she's
the only one that cares about this age
difference right because as Flo Bo and I
were talking on the side during the
episode unless you bring someone home
that's like 40 years older than you or
something no one's gonna be like wow bro
like how old is she like me like you no
one cares okay let's just no one cares
so they get done with that nonsense
right and then we go to Barnett's
birthday where Jessica proceeds to get
lit up and then goes and has like a real
heart-to-heart with him for no reason
like I just want to be sure you
amber okay because I've never really
gotten over us and you were running you
were really into me before camera
whatever yeah but it's like what hell is
what's wrong with you yes like yeah
Jessica definitely had a couple glasses
and used it as an opportunity to just go
on and on like really disrespecting her
own relationship by talking to Barnett
in this way
lots of everybody everybody knows that
you have a thing for Barnett okay and
now we just see you guys off talking
she's real close to him like touchy
whatever we know she's multiple bottle I
don't know about okay she's got a lot of
wine in her cuz she's slurring around
it's obvious she's gonna feel really bad
about this when she sees it
err because this is just not good optics
no matter what side you're on
if Barnett literally is the only person
for you it does not look good it doesn't
matter it's disrespectful for Mark to
mark who's been nothing but like amazing
gentleman to her the entire time
absolutely I mean you have this guy who
is a quote so mostly available it's a
red flag right what and he has that what
you want they got that a conversation
where we find out that Jessica can truly
do math and in in 15 years from now when
our kid is 14 and I'm 60 you're gonna be
50 no matter how you slice it there's
still gonna be 10 years difference okay
I want to definitely get into that
conversation because we kind of skipped
that talking about the party when they
were at Jessica's house there was
another moment she'll probably regret
which is giving her dog wine on camera
yeah hello tequila your dog's alcohol
but Mike's tips I mean I got plenty I'm
sure some trendy content creator in LA
has probably developed dog wine by now
or something a shark tank right hot wine
juice we were serving to her poor dog
but no they do get into this kind of
doing the math much they get into it and
you know another touchy subject that
they spoke about was the fact that mark
is really relating a lot of their
relationship struggles to like his
parents right kind of forward-looking
about how he wants to he wants to be
with someone who's like his mom and that
doesn't really sit well with Jessica
yeah this is a tricky situation because
I'm gonna call BS on maybe some editing
here because it's the first time we've
heard them talk about it but Jessica
seems very bothered and by the by the
fact that she's heard about this a lot
from Mark now as a woman I will side
with her and say when a man talks a lot
about his mom and puts his mom on a
pedestal it's both endearing and both
nerve-wracking because those are huge
huge shoes to fill and it goes both ways
and I want to give her the benefit of
the doubt here that maybe she's
encountered this situation before and
fell short to someone's expectations
comparing herself to their mom so I can
see why she had a very like negative
reaction and kind of shut that down
right away when you started talking
about it it wasn't a shutdown and this
is where I was I was up some of that
exchange it wasn't just being like I'm
not your mom
it was this repeated I am NOT your mom I
know she's good by you I can't believe
you like her but this is not what it is
it could be anything I hope it's editing
but this guy just misspoke and got shut
down so handedly and so decisively why
would even come back and be like I still
like you yeah I got two things for this
okay one the things I believe the
majority of instances were we've seen
him discuss his mom in this kind of
context that we're talking about is in
reaction to her asking a question well
how would you do this with our
relationship he's like well I kind of
learned from seeing from my mom and this
is how I would handle it
so that's not like hey let me
practically tell you how amazing my mom
is and why you're not being like it she
wants to know how would you deal with
this he's like I learned I think my
mom's the best example and okay so that
less is it to me additionally the second
thing is I can't take the mom
conversation by itself to me the entire
conversation is Jessica poking try to
yeah reasons for him to break up with
her or something she's like well you
know we're so me tenures the part when
I'm 60 and wait what about Laura kids
are 17 and then I'm 65 you were gonna be
55 how do you think about that I think
he's already said the age doesn't matter
to him so she just keeps like poking and
bring anything up and sorry I don't know
if you're ready to skip ahead to this
but it's the same thing when they got
into bed yeah the same thing that
happened we can go ahead and jump to
that because we are running short on
time later on after the party and you
know after mark is very much aware that
Jessica is drunk and was acting very
inappropriately um
when they get into bed he kind of
brooches the conversation like what's up
you good and then it quickly spirals
into a fight about the same issue and
she she literally goes on a roller
coaster of being like okay I love you
like things are okay and then going off
and saying they're too dissimilar I'm
sorry I'm skipping ahead a little bit
and she sorry say she that's fighting
she and Mark Portia
you said misspoke and said your second
she was like what do you mean a close
second I can't believe you said that no
he said Giannina is a close second yeah
exactly because jessica says Giannina is
amazing she's the best
yeah and Mark says well she's a close
second you know if if she was sober it's
obviously like cuz you're the best like
you she's good but not as good as you so
she took this too she projected her own
personality of just being in love with
somebody else and she's saying mark is
now in love with Giannina which is not
like we've never seen them even talk to
each other right
and so she projected and gave him so
much crap for that and then it finally
came out I think Barnett is sexy and
cool and blah blah blah and then Mark
rightly hightailed it to the couch did
you think he was right in doing that
dude bounced out of the apartment you
know at the point now where it's like
that couch there does seem like an
admission of I'm gonna give her a night
to cool off if that was really marked
that's the time you walk away and
there's Ivan so much that the disrespect
to your face isn't everyone that you're
not the same he said it and they read
the tapes confession earlier you said
this to me twice what what why is it a
problem now so thousand percent I can't
fault him being upset how much longer is
he gonna have to hear about Barnet and
then see her talking to him like one
one really quiet with wine this stuff's
glaringly obvious they're all in this
time you have been in these communal
apartment building rooms they're not
gigantic right right everybody knows
what's going on it's really obvious and
then for her to he didn't say like wow
gee Nina's looking pretty hot and I know
they're having sex a lot like I'm kind
of jealous no right she brought the girl
up anyway but jessica straights up like
Barnett's hot and sexy and cool and he's
really more my plate yeah and Christine
rod of the perfect point it was at his
birthday it's what she wanted I mean
during their conversation at the party
she kept going on about the fact that if
they were together they'd have a better
emotional connection again constantly
looking out for Barnett's pence best
interest instead of focusing on our own
connection with mark it's ridiculous
it's so obvious that she picked the
wrong guy and at no point know she
picked him he was like no well I don't
even like she's yeah she's guy that a
guy is liven her and devoted to her I
just that it's not the package she wants
is not barnett right but now there is
someone else in this equation and that's
amber who was very start if she's just
starting to lose her patience with this
situation I do not blame her because
last episode it went from it's laughable
that Jessica could think she could take
barnett away from me - i'm gonna cut
that girl that confrontation is
certainly building and i take amber
someone who's a little rough around the
edges and who's gonna former tank
mechanic yeah she can swing a wrench
she'll get in switch she's just as spicy
as someone like Jeannie you know who we
saw went off on Damien towards the in
this episode and left us in a cool
finger so that was silly - do you want
to do two comments on that we got a
quick second comment on that do you need
any I mean they the fight what you're
saying over the fight when they're
having is always good healthy for growth
but it came out of nowhere
Jamie made a wrong joke that was a bit
off-color that went over like a fart in
church and he got an argument that
totally cut him down that a woman he
loves it's hard to say I think Lauren
completely misinterpreted what he said
Lauren was like it's weird for me to
move into
new space as someone who's always been
single and he was basically like yeah I
can see that not saying you are a
terrible person who obviously doesn't
deserve right I can see it being weird
if you're single and moving into these
guys man yeah and the whole thing got
blown out of proportion and silly but at
least they've had their first fight
because they've been a very physical
relationship only now they've had their
first fight so we'll see and they they
swung kind of hard Fattah and buh bah
blah and she's calling him an MF like
yeah it's rad GG Nina was quick to start
throwing out you know bad words which I
know I mean different things are
triggers for different people but
raucous that's a bad that's a bad place
to start to have that kind of angry
reaction it was one of everybody well
it's always a pleasure you know letting
me talk if that's the case you know
that's a fire that's what the burn yeah
yeah a lot of bad communication this
episode all around when drinks are
involved this cast does not know how to
handle themselves
however the happy birthday bar now we
need some drinks on this panel we sure
do let me know in the comments if you
want to see us get a little lit while we
talk about just kidding guys well we
will be back for to recap the next
episode when Netflix drops it really
fairly soon so stay tuned to this
channel in the meantime you guys can
catch up with all of our previous recaps
they're up right now on this channel and
you can always find us here every week
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to afterbuzz TV the ESPN of TV talk now
oh my not for these love is blind couple
come on come on man this week we finally
got into the real royalty on love is
blind if you're tuned in right now we
are here at afterbuzz TV breaking down
love is blind Episode six yeah rock and
roll yeah good it really is I mean after
the Carlton and diamond fight I think
the show totally kicked it up a notch
and I'm so excited to break it all down
with you first and foremost let's
introduce you to the panel all the way
at the far end here we have Mike feeling
what's up guys like this is this is the
reason this episode is the reason we
watch these shows and mr. wrestling over
here next to me is finally figuring it
out I guess so I love was so pure and
uncut and amazing but this is makes me
so angry this is real life yes so not
blind fully seen 20/20 vision it's okay
I might be the pessimist over here yeah
if you're listening to my voice this is
Christine Alexis and I'm here to break
down I love his glide with y'all all
right guys I didn't need to dive right
in because there's a lot of good teeth
starting with where we meet the couples
at this farewell brunch they're getting
ready to leave their little resort
getaway peace out Mexico and say well we
is their second transition now out of
the pods and now out of Mexico and
really for the point of the show where
we've been dying to see like out of
their experiment pods into the wilds of
Mexico and now they are back to the
jungle of Atlanta thanks Jay yeah
great breaker job I mean they're
sprinkled in here and they're for color
you know but they did you know come to
talk to the couples and get their
mindset right going into this next
chapter start thinking about if your
relationship is gonna survive the real
world whether it be race religion social
media friends playing a different factor
and how their bonds will survive of
getting their mind by excuse me if by
getting their mindset right you mean
shoveling on the self-doubt into Jessica
yeah yeah you hit the nail on the head
because for the most part everyone
seemed pretty excited about this except
for Jessica she's the onset was very
open about how scared she was to go back
and be Mark's ten like ten years his
senior whose girlfriend somebody's to
let mark you know the secret that we all
know about Jessica yeah well the good
thing is you know they kind of make it
clear at this point to that the couple
still have a chance to walk away from
this experiment at any given time thank
god it's so interesting because it
almost seems so like finite and final
when we first met these couples and now
it seems like they're there is a lot of
wiggle room and gray area for them to
decide if it isn't the right thing for
that sure imagine that I mean what's the
divorce rate in our you know country
right now are in the world right now
imagine the people who fell in love
after hearing each other's voice for
three days well um you know there's
really two couples that dominated this
episode so we really want to spend more
time talking about them but real quick I
want to get into Lauren and Cameron
first we got to check in with our old
faithful couple here who's been going
strong this far
nice house Cameron yeah cool house
Cameron really flexes this episode you
know just getting into this topic before
the couples move into the new apartment
that they're gonna be sharing together
in the same complex with the other
couples they have an opportunity to go
home and pick up some stuff from their
house their respective houses to
decorate their new place together what
did you guys think about this they were
way too surprised that they were all
moving into the same complex together I
was like
you guys never watched these shows this
is literally what happens yeah door is
going to be the same complex so they
don't have to drive that far to film you
guys they just wander around and then
you can all still get together and have
awkward Jessica Barnett interactions
yeah I mean they seem pretty surprised
like I did going back to the homes and
whatnot but I don't know man Cameron
just seems more and more like a romantic
comedy leading man you know sensitive I
stayed with that little I'm just not a
bad way it's kind of like he's been that
guy like what candy wrong like yeah look
the three couple because we have five
total couples now right the three
couples that are going completely great
I mean I guess Barnet look Damian
Cameron and um Kenny they're all a
little bit awkward I think they all
pretty nice guys they seem pretty nice
and in it for the right reasons right
bachelors tonight of course for the
right reasons that kind of stuff but
they're all just a little bit awkward
and I got to give it up to them and give
them the benefit of the doubt the
cameras around them that's weird 24/7
right all this kind of stuff for the
most part though they're just really
solid romantic lead
I could see it he's really into it
getting emotional they're a great couple
yeah this might be me playing into
stereotypes a little too much but
Cameron is by trade a scientist so I
would expect a guy like that to be a lot
more sheepish and maybe not as you know
social as he has been lately and very
expressive with emotion so I kind of
like that about him I like where he's at
yeah it makes sense though he's pretty
analytical you know he said okay moving
to my house empty room she needs office
give her office I don't know yeah
there's some of the analytical stuff
going on but he's got mushy stuff he's
good yeah I mean for the most part
they're pretty solid there was like a
little bit of like tension for a hot
second when Lauren mentioned potentially
keeping her own apartment while they
work out their future together
but nothing weird is gonna happen with
them until we get into the episode that
we saw in the preview with her parents
and and the interracial relationship
kind of question or whatever starts to
come up I don't know somebody who's kind
of like
it is kind of jarring or kind of
off-kilter when someone says hey I want
to share a space even though you've been
single for so long kind of user having
your own little corner of course ya know
it's an adjustment it's a big adjustment
definitely I can I'd it to her on that
note because I know as myself having
lived with roommates I mean maybe a
little different she's living by her by
herself but moving in with the
significant other that is like a whole
other separate they're very different
it's very very different the only thing
I had to note about Lauren Cameron is in
an off-camera interview or just out of
that moment rather Cameron gets really
emotional talking about his past
relationship saying that it was plagued
by problems that they could never get
past but he feels like everything is
different with Lauren so to your point
maybe we'll get some drama when we meet
the family but I'm hoping maybe we learn
more about that because that brought out
such an emotional reaction for him that
came out of nowhere
yeah I mean Paul in love was always
scary and yeah his backstory was kind of
in let it go she wasn't sure what made
him tick so this is backstory if that's
like this it's told to pull from I'm all
on board because you can know more about
why they didn't work out and why so
cautious where today they haven't had
their first fight yet either yeah that's
really big in a relationship especially
one that's gonna last you're not gonna
agree on everything you're gonna fight
about something at some point my wife
and I fight about the same stupid stuff
over and over again and smiles you know
dumb stuff so until you let go on but
until you have like that first actual
fight it is still like rosy and stuff at
some point the whole kind of honeymoon
phase you you become real people I don't
like it when you leave your dishes there
so something so they haven't had that
yet so once they have that then we'll
see a different flavor their
relationship I'm excited to see it
because you know relationships are
multifaceted it's like you said it's not
always gonna be cute all the time and I
it's you almost run that risk of like
maybe we it's like you want to extend
the honeymoon phase cuz it feels nice
but you almost want to get the first
fight off the way because it's almost
like the longer you wait a might end up
being something much bigger that you
didn't see maybe the first
at least that's my new today maybe we're
gonna skip over Kelly and Kenny because
Kelly couldn't make it to the next
smartest girl on the show
Kelly had a business dress skip off to
work yeah she had a business trip in San
Diego so she couldn't make it to move in
with Kenny right away so we really
didn't see much of them a simple awkward
FaceTime a little bit but it seems like
they're keeping the communication alive
something that other couples are having
a lot of trouble with this episode they
seem pretty solid too they need their
first fight as well we haven't seen as
much of them but they seem sweet all
their interactions well whenever they do
get to fighting we'll be here to break
it down um speaking of things that we
break down on this network Mike hit yes
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let us know that you did in the comments
down below we've been reading all your
comments on the past videos for love as
mind we'd love it we you guys are our
extended panel thank you so much for
making afterbuzz the ESPN of TV talk oh
yeah I love that yeah yes dad I'm moving
on to Giannina and Damian mm-hmm
yeah they're well you know actually
we're gonna come back to them because
more their drama happens a little bit
later on is what happens when the sessi
time breaks down and stuff gets real I
really want to get into amber and Barnet
at least the first part of their drama
this episode because when they do go to
each other's houses to kind of actually
know we only go to Barnett's house and
we're where amber meets his dog Kota
they look through his messy bedroom but
eventually they get to the nitty-gritty
conversation here about financial
planning yeah shoutouts all the dogs
because they're the best characters in
all of these episodes there's the most
well-adjusted people Dakota is super
cute I personally love big dogs so I'm
here the fou-fou ones are cute too but
like the big ones you can like run
and I like the lapdogs like I put
bamm-bamm on my lap and we hug then he
goes to sleep and I'd be working so I
don't know it's just where do you stand
on this dog sir
no yeah did you play with the dog yes
I'm afraid of him I know you know but no
okay we can do some immersion therapy
here like that a nice dog yeah I've been
I've been tasked with petty when people
do this if you're watching our show
right now and drop like a support group
link in a comment for phobos so we can
get him to experience no because no
spider has unconditional love for you
like a dog it was like oh man my room is
messy but then I was like oh yeah by the
way I have all this debt it almost alone
things I thought that's kind of uneven
there right well we're talking about
barnett when they get in the kitchen
they start talking yeah amber says
something she starts revealing some
things about her financial status right
now she very clearly says that her
credit is average but not bad she says
that she only has one credit card right
now that she mainly uses his uses to
purchase makeup and that she has $20,000
worth of student loan debt right she
goes on to explain that she used to be
homeless at a point she couch surfs and
she makes it very clear that she works
to live and not lives to work can we
talk about the kind of just feeling that
came that washed over Barnett when she
started talking about this because he's
to me I read him as very uncomfortable
about receiving this information yeah
absolutely I think I'm not saying that's
looking for someone to be his balance
but I think he is supposed to be the one
that's gonna find someone to be good or
homey in that level having someone
that's like almost a free spirit can put
someone off a kilt everything absolutely
I mean in a relationship finances are
gonna come up that's money is a classic
thing the couples fight about it's this
necessary evil and life right that we
all got to deal with so it's absolutely
not a deal breaker
especially if at least one person in the
relationship is intelligent about money
if one person is intelligent about money
you can help fix the other person's
issues because the
that she has are easily fixable it's not
they're not a big deal you just have to
have a little bit of sense in what
you're doing and how to handle and
manage money so I have a lot of tips if
anybody would like it the first one is
that everything this is let's give a big
tip okay this is a Big Mike's tip on
survival we do Mike's tips this is a big
tip in this day and age in 2020
everything that you guys buy should be
on a credit card okay everything should
be on a credit card and you should pay
that credit card off a hundred percent
every month because you should be
earning points or whatever rewards for
the money that you're spending buying
something cash does you no good right
you should be getting miles you me
airplane miles some kind of points
remaining but you should be paying that
credit card off 100% every month so if
you need a little bit more of a budget
she's still be going on the credit card
she should have more than one credit
card that she does makeup with because
that will also help boost your credit
score back up Wow
yeah definitely love our free game over
here thanks Mike but I want to say
finance yeah I I kind of disagree with
you in the sense that like yeah these
are easily fixable but I personally
wouldn't enter into relationship with
somebody knowing that they had that
mindset cuz you can maybe teach somebody
how to manage their money a little bit
better but you're going into this with
someone whose mindset is already like
not thinking about surplus she's very
clearly says that she only works enough
to just get by he wants to live her life
to the fullest yeah I don't knock her
for that right I don't think that's like
I wouldn't go into a situation like that
with someone who doesn't share the same
values that I have about money that see
that is to me that's more of a mindset
about life and not even so much about
money that's more of a mindset of I'm
not ready to settle down I'm not looking
for you know a family and the future
maybe they don't want kids whatever
that's a future planning if you did have
that mindset which is what this is
really what I'll try to say before if
you do have that future mindset and
whatever you ready fix the straight
dollars and cents problem or dead or
credit that's fixable but yeah if your
mindset is I'm just burning the candle
at both ends and I'm gonna you know run
it till the wheels fall off and I don't
care about money and you know I'm gonna
not gonna be here past 40 anyway so what
I need my that yeah then you're not on
the same page
I guess what what still bothers me is
that she
said that she plans on living at his
house and being a stay-at-home mom so
like to me it's like you're that is that
could very well be what Barnet wants to
really elaborate a lot on that maybe
that's something they talked about in
the pods that we haven't really talked
about yet on camera but i just-i can't--
i see him wanting he said he wanted a
partner you know they both wanted like
someone who ya there's different roles
on what you do day-to-day but it just
doesn't seem to me like she's willing to
support and I plan to come to agreement
something like that someone already has
a plan of being a stay-at-home parent
and you're like no I thought would be a
dual income and so even if it's a plan
should be planned ahead of time it's
it's absolutely at the very least a
conversation I think a big one in this
day and age we tend to vilify to an
extent stay-at-home parents there's
nothing wrong with that being your kind
of aspiration and what you want
everybody doesn't have to be like well I
don't care about the kid like I'm career
foot like that's it and whatever in LA
if that's your aspiration to be the bomb
mom or dad who stays at home and with
the kid that's awesome you just need to
be with the other person your partner
who's on the same page like absolutely I
value my partner staying home with the
kids all the time so we don't have to
use babies and I'm willing to shoulder
the financial burden so that we can do
that in the kids everybody's just got to
be on the same page and it's whatever
works for that specific family right
agreed no I agree and if that's what
they want cuz also you know she did say
that she was homeless for a while she
was couchsurfing being a stay-at-home
mom would definitely be a sense of
stability like that is your sharking
day-in day-out job living there with the
kids but the whole thing is like yeah I
don't want any responsibilities I never
want to work so I just found you to pay
for me dad probably not the same level
yeah I just think that's different we
need more conversations between these
two about a very very sensitive issue
here luckily they get into some great
conversations yeah but before we get to
the party we do check in with mark and
Jessica or the couple that we love to
hate at this point the whole show could
be them you pretty much you guys just
shattered my innocence I really nice
it's really fun to see something like
experiences for the first time that and
not realizing that this something was
gonna go drastically south at least
addressing I know is gonna be awesome
act of violence well one thing we've
grown to count on with Jessica at the
very least is that she's always gonna
have a bottle of wine before discussing
something really really important it's
that's actually one of the biggest notes
that I wrote down about mark and Jessica
and I don't want to seem like I'm
shaming her but I guess it's gonna just
come off that way shame I just don't
think it's a smart idea when you're
already on the fence about how you feel
about somebody to just get super drunk
before discussing sensitive topics
because I'm sure maybe you think you
need some liquid courage but again a lot
of things will get lost in translation
with that and I just I personally hate
that kind of approach absolutely alcohol
becomes a coping mechanism and last
thing you want to see is someone go hey
this has an intimate time but first let
me have a couple shots you feel like oh
wait I'm not good enough what's the rule
you you know people say that alcohol is
social lubricant when you go out to bars
and clubs or whatever it's like she's
using a relationship lubricant not in a
fun way and that's not a good that's not
it's not at all like let me give a quick
overview of what happened cuz it's more
fun for us to talk about it so obviously
it's Barnett's birthday the to it sorry
so market Jessica had their little
conversation they went over to Marc's
house they met his roommates and Jessica
was beyond shocked that no one cared
that she was older than it like she's
the only one that cares about this age
difference right because as Flo Bo and I
were talking on the side during the
episode unless you bring someone home
that's like 40 years older than you or
something no one's gonna be like wow bro
like how old is she like me like you no
one cares okay let's just no one cares
so they get done with that nonsense
right and then we go to Barnett's
birthday where Jessica proceeds to get
lit up and then goes and has like a real
heart-to-heart with him for no reason
like I just want to be sure you
amber okay because I've never really
gotten over us and you were running you
were really into me before camera
whatever yeah but it's like what hell is
what's wrong with you yes like yeah
Jessica definitely had a couple glasses
and used it as an opportunity to just go
on and on like really disrespecting her
own relationship by talking to Barnett
in this way
lots of everybody everybody knows that
you have a thing for Barnett okay and
now we just see you guys off talking
she's real close to him like touchy
whatever we know she's multiple bottle I
don't know about okay she's got a lot of
wine in her cuz she's slurring around
it's obvious she's gonna feel really bad
about this when she sees it
err because this is just not good optics
no matter what side you're on
if Barnett literally is the only person
for you it does not look good it doesn't
matter it's disrespectful for Mark to
mark who's been nothing but like amazing
gentleman to her the entire time
absolutely I mean you have this guy who
is a quote so mostly available it's a
red flag right what and he has that what
you want they got that a conversation
where we find out that Jessica can truly
do math and in in 15 years from now when
our kid is 14 and I'm 60 you're gonna be
50 no matter how you slice it there's
still gonna be 10 years difference okay
I want to definitely get into that
conversation because we kind of skipped
that talking about the party when they
were at Jessica's house there was
another moment she'll probably regret
which is giving her dog wine on camera
yeah hello tequila your dog's alcohol
but Mike's tips I mean I got plenty I'm
sure some trendy content creator in LA
has probably developed dog wine by now
or something a shark tank right hot wine
juice we were serving to her poor dog
but no they do get into this kind of
doing the math much they get into it and
you know another touchy subject that
they spoke about was the fact that mark
is really relating a lot of their
relationship struggles to like his
parents right kind of forward-looking
about how he wants to he wants to be
with someone who's like his mom and that
doesn't really sit well with Jessica
yeah this is a tricky situation because
I'm gonna call BS on maybe some editing
here because it's the first time we've
heard them talk about it but Jessica
seems very bothered and by the by the
fact that she's heard about this a lot
from Mark now as a woman I will side
with her and say when a man talks a lot
about his mom and puts his mom on a
pedestal it's both endearing and both
nerve-wracking because those are huge
huge shoes to fill and it goes both ways
and I want to give her the benefit of
the doubt here that maybe she's
encountered this situation before and
fell short to someone's expectations
comparing herself to their mom so I can
see why she had a very like negative
reaction and kind of shut that down
right away when you started talking
about it it wasn't a shutdown and this
is where I was I was up some of that
exchange it wasn't just being like I'm
not your mom
it was this repeated I am NOT your mom I
know she's good by you I can't believe
you like her but this is not what it is
it could be anything I hope it's editing
but this guy just misspoke and got shut
down so handedly and so decisively why
would even come back and be like I still
like you yeah I got two things for this
okay one the things I believe the
majority of instances were we've seen
him discuss his mom in this kind of
context that we're talking about is in
reaction to her asking a question well
how would you do this with our
relationship he's like well I kind of
learned from seeing from my mom and this
is how I would handle it
so that's not like hey let me
practically tell you how amazing my mom
is and why you're not being like it she
wants to know how would you deal with
this he's like I learned I think my
mom's the best example and okay so that
less is it to me additionally the second
thing is I can't take the mom
conversation by itself to me the entire
conversation is Jessica poking try to
yeah reasons for him to break up with
her or something she's like well you
know we're so me tenures the part when
I'm 60 and wait what about Laura kids
are 17 and then I'm 65 you were gonna be
55 how do you think about that I think
he's already said the age doesn't matter
to him so she just keeps like poking and
bring anything up and sorry I don't know
if you're ready to skip ahead to this
but it's the same thing when they got
into bed yeah the same thing that
happened we can go ahead and jump to
that because we are running short on
time later on after the party and you
know after mark is very much aware that
Jessica is drunk and was acting very
inappropriately um
when they get into bed he kind of
brooches the conversation like what's up
you good and then it quickly spirals
into a fight about the same issue and
she she literally goes on a roller
coaster of being like okay I love you
like things are okay and then going off
and saying they're too dissimilar I'm
sorry I'm skipping ahead a little bit
and she sorry say she that's fighting
she and Mark Portia
you said misspoke and said your second
she was like what do you mean a close
second I can't believe you said that no
he said Giannina is a close second yeah
exactly because jessica says Giannina is
amazing she's the best
yeah and Mark says well she's a close
second you know if if she was sober it's
obviously like cuz you're the best like
you she's good but not as good as you so
she took this too she projected her own
personality of just being in love with
somebody else and she's saying mark is
now in love with Giannina which is not
like we've never seen them even talk to
each other right
and so she projected and gave him so
much crap for that and then it finally
came out I think Barnett is sexy and
cool and blah blah blah and then Mark
rightly hightailed it to the couch did
you think he was right in doing that
dude bounced out of the apartment you
know at the point now where it's like
that couch there does seem like an
admission of I'm gonna give her a night
to cool off if that was really marked
that's the time you walk away and
there's Ivan so much that the disrespect
to your face isn't everyone that you're
not the same he said it and they read
the tapes confession earlier you said
this to me twice what what why is it a
problem now so thousand percent I can't
fault him being upset how much longer is
he gonna have to hear about Barnet and
then see her talking to him like one
one really quiet with wine this stuff's
glaringly obvious they're all in this
time you have been in these communal
apartment building rooms they're not
gigantic right right everybody knows
what's going on it's really obvious and
then for her to he didn't say like wow
gee Nina's looking pretty hot and I know
they're having sex a lot like I'm kind
of jealous no right she brought the girl
up anyway but jessica straights up like
Barnett's hot and sexy and cool and he's
really more my plate yeah and Christine
rod of the perfect point it was at his
birthday it's what she wanted I mean
during their conversation at the party
she kept going on about the fact that if
they were together they'd have a better
emotional connection again constantly
looking out for Barnett's pence best
interest instead of focusing on our own
connection with mark it's ridiculous
it's so obvious that she picked the
wrong guy and at no point know she
picked him he was like no well I don't
even like she's yeah she's guy that a
guy is liven her and devoted to her I
just that it's not the package she wants
is not barnett right but now there is
someone else in this equation and that's
amber who was very start if she's just
starting to lose her patience with this
situation I do not blame her because
last episode it went from it's laughable
that Jessica could think she could take
barnett away from me - i'm gonna cut
that girl that confrontation is
certainly building and i take amber
someone who's a little rough around the
edges and who's gonna former tank
mechanic yeah she can swing a wrench
she'll get in switch she's just as spicy
as someone like Jeannie you know who we
saw went off on Damien towards the in
this episode and left us in a cool
finger so that was silly - do you want
to do two comments on that we got a
quick second comment on that do you need
any I mean they the fight what you're
saying over the fight when they're
having is always good healthy for growth
but it came out of nowhere
Jamie made a wrong joke that was a bit
off-color that went over like a fart in
church and he got an argument that
totally cut him down that a woman he
loves it's hard to say I think Lauren
completely misinterpreted what he said
Lauren was like it's weird for me to
move into
new space as someone who's always been
single and he was basically like yeah I
can see that not saying you are a
terrible person who obviously doesn't
deserve right I can see it being weird
if you're single and moving into these
guys man yeah and the whole thing got
blown out of proportion and silly but at
least they've had their first fight
because they've been a very physical
relationship only now they've had their
first fight so we'll see and they they
swung kind of hard Fattah and buh bah
blah and she's calling him an MF like
yeah it's rad GG Nina was quick to start
throwing out you know bad words which I
know I mean different things are
triggers for different people but
raucous that's a bad that's a bad place
to start to have that kind of angry
reaction it was one of everybody well
it's always a pleasure you know letting
me talk if that's the case you know
that's a fire that's what the burn yeah
yeah a lot of bad communication this
episode all around when drinks are
involved this cast does not know how to
handle themselves
however the happy birthday bar now we
need some drinks on this panel we sure
do let me know in the comments if you
want to see us get a little lit while we
talk about just kidding guys well we
will be back for to recap the next
episode when Netflix drops it really
fairly soon so stay tuned to this
channel in the meantime you guys can
catch up with all of our previous recaps
they're up right now on this channel and
you can always find us here every week
recapping the show until then you can
find me on social media at Christine
being a flow ball where everywhere can
everyone guys thank you so much for
watching we love your comments but keep
putting them down there with Rose
responding you guys some shout outs my
name is Mike dealing find me everywhere
at Mike love each other our founder
Keven Undergaro and me Maria Menounos
would like to thank you for tuning in to
afterbuzz TV remember we're not just the
first were the biggest in the world and
were the only destination for all your
favorite TV shows whatever you crave
we've got it so go to afterbuzz TV comm
and check out our lineup buzz ya later
the views expressed herein are those of
the host only you do not necessarily
reflect the view
of afterbuzz TV or its owners or
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